Categories: Bio Science / Health Science

Whom should you thank for the gift of life, the Enzyme or God, choice rest with you (Part – III):

To remain healthy balanced diet as well as physical activity like exercise is a must

This article is part three of the article posted on February 28, 2019.

A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it need to function correctly. Balance diet is a key to healthy and this diet should contain all the best foods in right quantities like carbohydrates, high fiber content, water, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Most people these days spoil not only their own but the health of their kids by taking unnecessary food items like junk foods, soft drinks, alcohol etc. what many of us do not know that unnecessary over doses of vitamins could be very harmful.

Some people confuse a balance diet as only eating the right foods, but having them at correct time in right proportion is equally important part of a balance diet.

For Ex. A well balanced diet but taken late in the night just before going to bed may turned out to be harmful and should have been avoided altogether.

To achieve and get the proper nutrition from your diet, you should consume the majority of your daily calories, which you will get from fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.

A balance diet important because your organs and tissue need proper nutrition to work effectively and repair the damages to tissues. Without good nutrition, your body Is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental disorders.

Yet another factor which is equally important apart from balanced diet and physical exercise is having good sound sleep every day. Without sound sleep of 6-8 hours you may develop many diseases in spite of having balanced diet and sufficient physical exercises. You should not develop the unhealthy habit of being awake late night all the days of week and have the wrong impression that you can compensate it by sleeping long hours on the weekends. Balanced Diet, Physical Exercises, Sound sleep have to be on a daily and regular basis are the key elements of good health.   

Rising levels of lifestyle diseases Obesity and Diabetes are prime examples of the effects of a poor diet and a lack of exercise.

May be you already know all that you have read in this article if so please do send your comment, if not and it is that by reading this article you have better appreciation of how precious our life is and that we have an obligation to our family and society that we should maintained good health.

Sugandh Sharma is a Biology major, Ashish Kumar Gupta is a IT professional, V.K.Tandon is a Ex – IIT  Faculty.