Categories: Economic Science

By: Vivek Rawat

Our country is a democratic country. Most of the things work under the supervision of the government in our nation. Everyone has to follow those rules and regulations which are framed by the system and if any of us try to break the rules, he has to bear the consequences as per the law of the land.

Now the issue that faces all the voters is, which political party can provide a better government. We elect MPs by casting our priceless vote, who in turn form the government that rules us and so it is natural that we think that this particular government has the major responsibility to change the condition of society or nation for betterment. However if our voted government fails in its job to improve our life then we decide that in the next elections we will vote out the present and go for a new party.

            The question which we need to ask from ourselves is that as citizens is it that our only responsibility is to go on changing the representative by voting in some and voting out others or should we take more responsibility to expend beyond.

Let us ask the question that why as citizens we cannot take more responsibility for betterment of society rather than be a passive spectator who just cast vote once in five year and keep blaming the government of the day for everything that goes wrong.  The government can only frame the policies of CHANGING THE NATION, but at last analysis we are the people on which those policies have to work. So that rather than discussing endlessly as to which government is better A or B. Just blaming the system or government will not solve any problem rather we should increase our participation in governance. Below are some broad points on how can we create a good governance in the society.

–           Be a responsible person

Although right from our school and college days our teachers keep telling us we should behave with responsibility and we continue to repeat the same to our next generation but in reality we keep behaving in the old reckless way. Let’s take an example. Today, we teach our children that save water as it is scarce; had we saved the water anytime ourselves? It’s a matter of serious thinking. Even though we are aware that fresh water has left in very small quantity since so long time. Although we all the time keep telling kids that we should throw garbage only in dustbin but while travelling in cars, buses or trains, we ourselves continue to throw packets, rapper, and bottles anywhere on the road. Some may argue that before throwing carelessly garbage anywhere we just make sure that no one is watching us.

            And in free time, we comment on the system that no one is trying to save the environment. Again, shouldn’t we have to be individually responsible to save the environment, save the water, keeps the environment neat and clean? Of course, it should largely be only and only of ours responsibility not of the government. 

–           Make a habit to give, not just demand from nature or god

We always talk about the poverty and so many things which we see everyday which shouldn’t be like that. How can we contribute to the society? It’s impossible to remove the level of poverty by the government alone as they can only frame the rules but we should also come forward to contribute to solve this problem. The educated people can give free education to poor students in free time. The surplus food which has left in marriages can be given to the poor people instead to throw that into the dustbins. We can give our old clothes to poor’s instead of getting utensils in exchange. It will also be good to give meaningful way/ idea to poor for earning money instead to give them money (As a Chinese proverb goes “Teach them how to catch fish rather than giving it away”). These are some measures which can surely uplift the standard of poorer section of the society.

–           As a long term measure we should have a relook at policies that go in the direction of population control

People should be made more aware of advantages of voluntary birth control. We can educate them on the merits of small family which provides better opportunities for their children to prosper.

The author has a Master degree in HR and Marketing.

Editor’s comment: Former American President John F. Kennedy famous quote is “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Population is both an asset if used properly but could also become a burden. Most European countries suffer from the ill effect of under population. In India to us population looks like a burden because we are unable to employ it meaningfully.