
Note: This is the remaining part of article “Those scoring very high marks in board examination, may not necessarily turn out to be high achievers in life as well?” dated 28th May 2019.
Below are some tips if parents follow them it is likely that their growing kids will end up being more creative and innovative later on in life.

  1. Ask questions which help kids develop a feel of length, width, area, volume. Here are some examples of how to do it. Ask your kids to distinguish between different lengths, area, and volume first in an approximate way and then measure it. For example two bottles containing different amounts of water ask them how many litters of water each one of them contain and then ask them to measure it using some standards. They are playing with a ball ask them to estimate what would be its diameter. How about area? What is the size of your drawing room? What is its area? If you are living on say second floor how much is it height of the floor from the ground. If the student is 9th class or above, ask him to count the steps he has to take to reach ground via staircase. Then ask him to find how much height is covered in each step. Multiply the number of steps with the height covered in each, this should be an approx height of the floor.
    Developing such feeling of dimension at an early age helps a lot when they grow up?
  2. To develop a feel of speed, velocity, acceleration and force. To get feel of these quantity, the easiest and the best approach would be to take your kid to a gigantic roller coaster ride or at least a car ride on a bumpy road (preferably on a car whose shock absorber have almost failed). Ask your kid how many kilometres he can walk in an hour. How about a bicycle, a car, a train, an aeroplane, a bullet train. What is it that pushes him out when he jumps in a swimming pool?
  3. To develop a feel of hotness, coldness temperature and thermal equilibrium. Why does ice feel cold and tea feel hot to the figures (such sensation of hotness and coldness depend upon whether heat is being transfer from your body or to your body). When AC is ON the temperature outside your AC room is so different however why is it that if you shut down AC the two temperatures inside and outside of room become the same gradually.(concept of thermal equilibrium and that heat flows from higher temperature to a lower one)
  4. No point in keeping your kids so innocent so as to think that anyone can go to bank and withdraw as much money as he likes (without having his papa to deposit it earlier). Involve your growing kids to some extent in the budgetary and financial decisions your family makes.
  5. Why it is that cyclones have become so common ask your kid that where from such enormous wind energy come from in a cyclone or the bright lightning observed in sky on a rainy day.
    A kid can learn a lot by observing what is going around in nature.
    Carrying out small school projects or a survey are very good ways provided the kid does it him or herself rather than buying a readymade?