Categories: Health Science / Quizzes

Note: The quiz has five questions. Each has two option one true and other false.

Q.1 Viruses are –

a) obligate parasite

b) free living


All viruses are obligate parasites; that is, they lack metabolic machinery of their own to generate energy or to synthesize proteins, so they depend on host cells to carry out these vital functions.

Q.2 The protein coat of virus is called –

a) capsomere

b) capsid


A capsid is the protein shell of a virus, enclosing genetic material. It consists of several oligomeric structural subunits made of protein called protomers. The observable 3-dimensional morphological subunits, which may or may not correspond to individual proteins, are called capsomeres.

Q.3 Which of the following is the largest virus –

a) mumps virus

b) pox virus


Mumps is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus. Initial signs and symptoms. vaccine, the mumps virus was the leading cause of viral meningoencephalitis in the United States.

Q.4 The spike like projections seen on the outer surface of enveloped viruses are called-

a) peplomer

b) capsomere


A peplomer is a glycoprotein spike on a viral capsid or viral envelope.The tail fibers of some bacteriophages, especially the T4-like phages, are modified peplomers.

Q.5 Infectious R.N.A particles without protein coat –

a) viroid

b) virion


Viroids are the smallest infectious pathogens known. They are composed solely of a short strand of circular, single-stranded RNA that has no protein coating.