Categories: Bio Science / Quizzes

Note: The quiz has five questions. Each has two options one true and other false.

Q.1 Post -translational modification take place in:

a) endoplasmic reticulum and golgi

b) nucleus

Ans. (a)

Post -translational modification refer to the covalent and enzymatic modification of proteins following protein biosynthesis. Protein are synthesized by ribosomes translating m-R.N.A into polypeptide chain.

Q.2 Lysosome are known as the ‘suicidal bag of cell’ because of :

a) hydrolytic activity

b) catalytic activity


Lysosome are the cellular organelles that contain digestive enzyme that break down waste materials, foreign materials and foreign particles that entered cell that’s why lysosome are known as ‘suicidal bags of the cell.

Q.3 Acrosome of sperm cell is a modified :

a) golgi

b) peroxisome


Acrosome is an organelle that develop over the anterior half of the head in the spermatozoa (sperm cells) of many animal including humans. It is a cap like structure derived from the golgi apparatus.

Q.4 The fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane gives by singer and Nicolson is applicable :

a) only to organelle membrane

b) both prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane


The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the plasma membrane as a mosaic of components including phospholipid protein that gives the membrane a fluid character.

Q.5 The mambrane around the vacuole is known as:

a) tonoplast

b) amyloplast


A vacuole is a membrane bound organelle which is present in all plant and fungal cells and some animals and bacterial cells. Vacuole are essentially enclosed compartment are filled with water containing inorganic and organic molecules.