Author name: Rohit Shukla

The spreading wings of AI have a profound potential to realize what was once thought to be a matter of dream or science fiction movies.

Part – 2 Data Analytics Data Analytics is increasingly being used in deciding the price of a player in Sports Arena. Data analytics are increasingly being used in deciding the price of a player in the competitive professional sports auction. Before going further let us appreciate the difference between classical statistical analysis and data analytics. […]

The spreading wings of AI have a profound potential to realize what was once thought to be a matter of dream or science fiction movies. Read More »

The spreading wings of AI have a profound potential to realize what was once thought to be a matter of dream or science fiction movies.

Part – 1 Pre-crime technology Preventing a crime before it HAPPENS, gathering and selecting a team of undervalued players at LOW COST that is sure to perform well before it ACTUALLY plays a game, deciding whether to fund or not fund a movie of a creative team of little-known directors, scriptwriters and actors that will

The spreading wings of AI have a profound potential to realize what was once thought to be a matter of dream or science fiction movies. Read More »

Nobel prize in Physics 2023 “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”.

Part-B Pump-probe spectroscopy is a powerful experimental technique used in physics and chemistry to study ultrafast processes. Its basic principle revolves around the controlled interaction of two precisely timed laser pulses with a material. Here’s how it works: Pump Pulse    – The first laser pulse, known as the “pump” pulse, is a high-intensity and very

Nobel prize in Physics 2023 “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”. Read More »

Nobel prize in Physics 2023 “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”.

Nobel prize in Physics was won by Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier. Their area of specialisation and affiliation are given as below. 1-Pierre AgostiniFrench experimental physicist and Emeritusprofessor at The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. He is especially known for the observation of above-threshold ionization and the invention of the reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions (RABBITT)

Nobel prize in Physics 2023 “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”. Read More »

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation.

Part-3 The Schrödinger Wave Equation is one of the most important differential equation in both physics and mathematics. The Schrödinger Equation laid the foundation for quantum mechanics, a theory that has revolutionized our understanding of the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels. It provides a framework to accurately predict and understand the

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation. Read More »

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation.

Part-2 Differential equations are fundamental in describing physical phenomena.  Natural phenomena involve continuous changes over time or space. Differential equations are particularly well-suited for modeling continuous processes, as they capture the relationship between rates of change and the state of the system. Differential equations express how a system’s variables change in relation to each other.

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation. Read More »

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation.

If as a young graduate you plan to be a scientist, start not just enjoying the beauty of Nature which is easy but more importantly the beauty and serenity of differential equations in particular the Schrödinger Wave Equation.  Modern physics started in 1905 with Einstein famous paper on Special theory of relativity  The year often

Gazing at beauty and serenity of a differential equations: The Schrödinger Wave Equation. Read More »

Avoiding mindless spree of Development and careful planning in the eco sensitive regions will help us prepare to better face the ever increasing landslides and other natural disasters.

PART-II Synoptic conditions refer to the prevailing atmospheric weather conditions over a relatively large geographic area at a specific point in time. It implies that synoptic meteorology involves the simultaneous observation and analysis of weather data from various sources to create a comprehensive view of the weather patterns across a region or country. Meteorologists use

Avoiding mindless spree of Development and careful planning in the eco sensitive regions will help us prepare to better face the ever increasing landslides and other natural disasters. Read More »

Avoiding mindless spree of Development and careful planning in the eco sensitive regions will help us prepare to better face the ever increasing landslides and other natural disasters.

Before it is too late, stop considering Nature as enemy. If humanity continues with the mindless spree of development in eco sensitive regions, the third eye of ascetic Shiva may get activated. For Lord natural disasters that creates miseries for human are merely an enthralling dance.- Tandon Sir PART-I  Extreme rainfall that recently occurred in

Avoiding mindless spree of Development and careful planning in the eco sensitive regions will help us prepare to better face the ever increasing landslides and other natural disasters. Read More »

Opium is not merely a psychotropic drug…………Asian and American continent.

A शायर( Poet) inflicts self injury to inspire youth to rebuild a torn nation.-  Tandon Sir  Part-II Opium trade had similar impact in the United States. Several major business families did make money during 19th century( opium was a legal trade then). Many prominent families made wealth through its production, distribution and sale. The Forbes family made

Opium is not merely a psychotropic drug…………Asian and American continent. Read More »

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