Author name: Rohit Shukla

An Overview of world maps for sophomore

1:- The Asian continent.The continent of Asia is distinct in that it has the largest area as well as population. Its approximate area is 4.5 crore sq. Km. and its population is 450 crores. The global gross domestic product (GDP) (in trillion-dollar)of china is approximately 17, japan is approximately 5, India is approximately 3, Russia […]

An Overview of world maps for sophomore Read More »

A volcanic eruption is nature’s way of celebrating Deepawali.

Part:-1 A volcano is usually thought of as shooting up rocks and burning lava. Although their sight may be spectacular and a tourist main attraction, they could be disastrous often. The origin and activity of volcanoes on the globe are a matter of intense interest and enormous scientific research.  Magma is an extremely hot liquid

A volcanic eruption is nature’s way of celebrating Deepawali. Read More »

It is far more complex to measure the state of democracy than just measuring the temperature.

By Rohit Shukla. Arguably Physics is the most exact Science our civilization knows. It is only in the last 100 years or so that more and more disciplines like medicine, psychology joined in and started claiming to be a scientific discipline. Economics, political and social sciences joined this queue rather recently. Precise and accurate measurement

It is far more complex to measure the state of democracy than just measuring the temperature. Read More »

If you are of the type who likes traveling to distant places, why not plan for Moon or Mars.

It is possible to predict the trend of space exploration for the next 10-50 years. With reasonable confidence, we may say that in the next 50 years, we’ll be making routine trips, not just for scientific purposes but for fun and Moon as well as Mars. This is not mere crystal gazing but it has

If you are of the type who likes traveling to distant places, why not plan for Moon or Mars. Read More »

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, Volcano’s and Tsunamis

Part-III(B):-Continuation of article Part-III(A) 5:- Pacific plate 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami The magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck at 2:46 PM. (The early estimate of magnitude 8.9 was later revised upward.) The epicenter was located some 80 miles (130 km) east of the city of Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, and the focus occurred at a depth of 18.6

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, Volcano’s and Tsunamis Read More »

A devastating dance of the endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, volcano and tsunami

Part-III(A):-A simplified view of major earthquakes explained on the basis of plate tectonic theory 1:-Antarctica plate 1998 Antarctic earthquake It is believed that this earthquake was not due to usual tectonic activity. As the source mechanism cannot be related to the plate motion inferred from the nearby transform faults. The estimated intensity was 8.1 on

A devastating dance of the endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, volcano and tsunami Read More »

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, volcano, and tsunami

Part II:- Understanding why earthquakes tsunami and volcano occur:- PLATE TECTONICS THEORY Historically all spectacular natural phenomena like a rainbow, rising and setting of the sun on the horizon, solar and lunar eclipse, earth tremors, volcano, geysers(sulphur spring) were so awe-inspiring to the early tribal that out of the fear of the wrath of nature

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, volcano, and tsunami Read More »

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, Volcanos and Tsunamis

Part I- Introduction and key definitions The phenomena of earthquake volcanic eruptions and tsunami are the three most important geological processes which on the one hand cause enormous human and economic disaster but on the other hand are very interesting from the scientific point of view. It provides us a very useful window to study

A devastating dance of endogenic geomorphic forces of the planet earth: Earthquake, Volcanos and Tsunamis Read More »

The causes of natural disasters and the way the energy that is produced by the shock waves propagates through the surrounding media causing destruction.

Part II- THE INTRICATE LAYERED INNER STRUCTURE OF EARTH. We take for granted the shape of our world and the position of the continents— the familiar geography that seems as eternal as the order of the planets. But this arrangement is temporary: it isn’t how the planet has been and it isn’t how it will

The causes of natural disasters and the way the energy that is produced by the shock waves propagates through the surrounding media causing destruction. Read More »

The causes of natural disasters and the way the energy that is produced by the shock waves propagates through the surrounding media causing destruction.

Part- I: Early theories of the origin of the earth Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. By John Lubbock ( A scientist who coined the terms paleolithic and neolithic) In order

The causes of natural disasters and the way the energy that is produced by the shock waves propagates through the surrounding media causing destruction. Read More »

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