Published November 7, 2019
Categories: Geography / Quizzes

Note: The quiz has five questions. Each has two option one true and other false. Answer with brief explanation will be provided next week.

Q.1. Which of the states below touch both the international as well as Maritime boundary.

A-West bengal

B- Rajasthan

Q.2. Which of the statement below is true.

A- India’s length is more in north to south then east to west

B- India’s length is more in East to West then north to south

Q.3. Which of the two below is considered the Standard Meridian of India

A- 82°30′  East longitude line

B- 82°30′  Eastern latitudinal line

Q.4. The state which touches the border of China is

A- Jammu and Kashmir

B- West Bengal

Q.5. The country which touches the borders of Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar is

A- Nepal

B- China