The future belongs to those who can break the rules:
Whether we protest more take out processions, or just accept the inevitable, all those jobs being done at present by humans will ultimately be taken over and away by computing machine, robots and humanoids.
The (computing) machines can carry out any job, however complex it may be, and more efficiently surpassing humans. Hence it makes economic sense for large corporations as it enhances both profit and reliability neither machine demands wage raise nor they strike work like yellow vests movement in France workers demanding social justice.
Even in areas like fine arts which are basically subjective in nature MCQ type Machine evaluation is becoming common due to obvious advantages.
But this article is not about all above aspects which is much discussed in media but about bringing a ray of hope among readers by pointing and reassuring what is it that AI machine cannot right now or even in distant future may never be able to do. It is these categories of jobs that will always remain available for we poor humans. Of course humans have to work hard to always remain ahead of these machines.
A computing machine or automata can only carry out that task for which an ALGORITHM exists.
Let us try to understand what does ALGO means in simple terms.
The first important criteria for an ALGO to exists is that task should be such that it can be factored into smaller tasks and it is possible to decide uniquely in which sequence the task needs to be carried out. A clear cut criteria when which task is to be taken or not to be taken up and when the task begin and when does it stop (the Halting Problem an area of computer complexity) as long as for a machine such clear cut decision making rules exists, it can always carry it out better than humans.
What should make humans happy, that for most complex decision making tasks that experienced human implement is that no such clear cut rules exists due to fact that problem is not a CLOSED one but an OPEN one. For e.g. no engineer can design air conditioning for a open field where sunlight, wind all keep blowing on and on. New situations keep evolving which only humans can comprehend (machine learning is an attempt to circumvent this limitation, though).
The future jobs for human will be in the domain of bank managers, economic policy making, judges, consult, politics, doctors all involving complex decision making. Sadly all routine engineering jobs like making bridges, houses, lathe machine, workshop supervisor will gradually disappear.
Let us be clear that as AI gets more and more powerful it will get more and more complex to distinguish it from an intelligent human being. But the same problem actually exists in distinguishing one human being from another, there intelligence level their perception could be very different. Let us say we are taking to a third generation American of Indian or African origin without seeing him by asking him questions (a variant of Turing Test). The task is to establish whether he is an Indian, African or American citizen. Depending upon the category of questions whether they are about ethics, morality or history your conclusions about the same person could be very different. Although it will be erroneous to conclude that one is a human and other variant is a humanoid. For e.g. if you ask the question how many marriages should be allowed for a human being?
You yourself and as well as your kids should be ready to face this challenge.
Harsha Tyagi is a post graduate in psychology, Ashish Kumar Gupta is an IT professional, V. K. Tandon is Ex-IITR faculty.