Higher Education

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers? 

Part -3 Rising Asia yet not declining academic influence of the Western universities and think tanks. While it is true that the West continues to lead in the production of new scientific knowledge and technological innovation however the rise of economic power of the asian countries like china and india is real and it is […]

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers?  Read More »

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers? 

Part -2 exploring matrices to compare the contribution of the west vis-à-vis Asia in new knowledge production. Let us make an attempt to explore the suitable metrices to measure the degree of contribution of western countries specially USA and UK vis-à-vis Asia specially China, Japan and India in producing new scientific knowledge and technological innovation.

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers?  Read More »

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers? 

Part -1 What and why this frantic mad rush to the west? In order to  appreciate and answer this question let us explore that how many Indians apply for usa visas each year, how many go to usa for studies or job and what is its trends and how this trend is changing yearly. According

Why West continue to act as a strong magnet both for higher education and lucrative job seekers?  Read More »

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