Sleep is no less important than good food, drink, fresh air , exercise. It’s where magic happens. It is the deepest meditation. Work while, you work, play while you play, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy are famous adages which emphasize the importance of working and at the same time having some kind of recreation to lead a life of pleasure.
Work is worship…… that’s right but at the same time health is wealth too……
Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood. According to NSF (National Sleep Foundation). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep our body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. According to a survey it is found that 20% people around the world are sleep deprived. The reason could be anything ; late working hours, personal obligation, relationship worries or excessive screen time or it could just be, what sleep expert suspect – a feeling that people think they can cheat sleep.
We CAN’T CHEAT sleep. Although you may be so smart as to successfully cheat people. Lack of sleep even for one night results in impaired metabolism, resulting glucose level, weakened immune system, weight gain, mood swing, depression and cancer. No amount of drugs, caffeine or technology can do for us. We can’t make up for lost sleep during week days by over sleeping more on weekends.
No excuse will work when it comes to taking sound sleep, healthy diet and physical activity on a daily bases. Even within a day you must take sleep at regular night hours. The necessity of taking sleep at regular hour and for definite period of time is clear from various studies on the problems faced by of night shift workers throughout the world. Over a long period they start showing symptoms of sleep disorders memory loss, un-ability to focus, even loss of appetite, depression.
In fact of the three requirements of a healthy life are good diet, physical exercise and sound sleep, and of the three requirements for a healthy life i.e. balanced diet, physical activities, and sound sleep. The most crucial one is the requirement of the sound sleep. Whether you eat or fast for one or two days doesn’t matter all that much in an adult. However, if you are unable to sleep just for 2 days it may get you into serious health problem.
July 22, 2019