Educational technology

The still unsettled question of medium of instructions in India

All major countries, China, Japan, Germany, France have settled the question of medium of instructions long ago. They all use mother tongue as medium of instruction for primary as well as college level. In India, however, the question still remains unsettled and emotional one. Political parties tend to promote regional state language. Parents however prefer […]

The still unsettled question of medium of instructions in India Read More »

Quiz on India Constitution – IC0001

Note: The quiz has five questions. Each has two option one true and other false. Answer with brief explanation will be provided next week. Q1:- Which one of the following reflects the most appropriate relationship between law and liberty A:- if there is Liberty, laws have to be made by the representatives of the people.

Quiz on India Constitution – IC0001 Read More »

Striving for that elusive fine balance: NEP

Next to providing nutrition, clean air and water to next generation, what we OWE to them is good education for all. NEP documents are no doubt is a good attempt in that direction. Answer to question such as how many languages should be taught at primary and secondary levels, what subjects should be taught, should

Striving for that elusive fine balance: NEP Read More »

How to improve upon the learning outcome of your growing kids?

Note: This is the remaining part of article “Those scoring very high marks in board examination, may not necessarily turn out to be high achievers in life as well?” dated 28th May 2019. Below are some tips if parents follow them it is likely that their growing kids will end up being more creative and

How to improve upon the learning outcome of your growing kids? Read More »

Those scoring very high marks in board examination, may not necessarily turn out to be high achievers in life as well?

No doubt children as well as their parents who achieve more than 90+ percent in board examinations need hearty congratulations. It shows that the children is sincere, hard working, goal oriented and parents are sacrificing and restricting their social and business activities for the sake of their children’s bright future. True scoring high marks is

Those scoring very high marks in board examination, may not necessarily turn out to be high achievers in life as well? Read More »

It is only when potential of aspiring youth is fine tuned with opportunities a society offers, progress is the outcome

Unlike aluminium, iron has the potential(unpaired electron spin) to become a magnet but only when an external magnetic field is applied. However, once magnetized it retains even if external field is removed (BH curve). Education, job experience are the external opportunities if a youth is offered at the right time of career, he not only

It is only when potential of aspiring youth is fine tuned with opportunities a society offers, progress is the outcome Read More »

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